I was up all night to get lucky. With the karaoke microphone.
Midnight, the after-effects of merlot and moscato were depicted by off-beat dancing. Were heard through off-key singing.
No matter how hammered, mic hoggers were on standby.
There were about seventeen travel bloggers in our Linden Suites one-bedroom suite. Fifteen Filipinos, one American, and one German. They all came for an event organized by The Linden Suites’ Marketing Communications Manager Michael Anthony Sagaran and Melo Villareal of outoftownblog.com which I dubbed “Pajama Party Wherein We Don’t Wear Pajamas”.

On our agenda: Eat, drink, sing. Which we all accomplished. And then some.
After which, we crashed in our respective suites to experience The Linden Suites’ refurbished rooms. Except for one, all suites on the ninth floor were assigned to our party (slightly similar to how it went down during our first staycation).

Being one of the early birds, I was able to peek into every type of refurbished suite the hotel’s currently offering. Each suite boasts the same massive floor space. The same sophisticated design, but with a more modish touch. And all of the suites’ rooms now got bathtubs!
Just every bit ideal for a staycation.

You could experience The Linden Suites’ refurbished awesomeness also! Join our contest and get the chance to win an overnight stay for two in a deluxe room. Includes brekkie at Mesclun.
Prize is transferable and winner must book in advance.
Just “like” a bunch of Facebook pages, leave a comment below, and share the news to others. Let Rafflecopter lead the way.
Open to Philippine residents. Contest runs from March 5, 2014 to March 26, 2014. Winner will be announced on March 27.
Good luck, fellow travel junkies!
My wife! She and I can stay all night watching movies and even UFC fight replays while enjoying the relaxing weekend.
My dudey! We share the same love for food and adventure! 🙂
My hubby, because this is the perfect time for us to relax, after busy works and this one is new to us.:)
Good luck to everyone who entered the contest 🙂
I want the lechon belly! Hehehe
My hyperactive nieces and nephews! They’d surely enjoy this suite. 🙂
My wife! because we love to eat and stay in different places!
My hubby! cause we love adventures!
A staycation would be the perfect treat for us after Teloyskie’s hectic schooldays comes to a close!
my photo buddy, food buddy and my buddy for all-season ( sa tag-init man o sa tag-baha) hehe my Hubby! I weekend staycation will definitely recharge for us. We are so ready to conquer The Linden Suites! 😉
A staycation would never be the same without my hubby, my staycation buddy!
My hubby, of course! 🙂 We both love traveling, nice food and a good laugh.
My Husband and my 4 y.o daughter Malaya. Since it’s always been the three of us (which you can definitely relate to), It’s always nice to wrap-up a day and enjoy a quiet time with family. 🙂
my fave staycation buddy? of course my best buddy/partner-in crime 😉 my loving husband!
My hubby and baby dagny!
My friend and theater buddy . Why? He’s so generous when it comes to sharing blessings.
My close friend. Because there are no dull moments when we travel though our resources are limited but still it doesn’t stop us from having fun.
My friend..we enjoy are stay in hotels like..can’t wait to win this
My mother! She is always my travel/trip buddy. All we do is to have fun. Cant wait to have a staycation with her!
i only have 1 travel/staycation buddy my girlfriend Callie 🙂 hope i can win idol PTJ!
my boyfie. char. hehehe 😀
Lia. ‘Cause she doesn’t complain. Mostly. That tot’s got a hell of an affinity and resilience for traveling even under sweltering heat!
My fave staycation buddy is definitely my son! He just loves the luxurious feel of staycations. We just stay on bed practically the whole day and he goes swimming in the afternoon, while I go to the gym.
My favorite staycation buddy is my partner, my loving bf!
My favorite staycation buddy is my mom bcoz she is my buddy my bestfriend.
Let us call her feisty since the staycation won’t just be all sleep with her. A lot of stories, talks, and games.
Ricardo is my staycation buddy with Edmond, Armand, and Ricka. Yeah, the whole fam! Wohooo!
ang tino nyo tignan sa group photo. walang after-party pictures? hehehe.
miss ko na ang lechon cebu! 🙂
My fave staycation buddy is my boyfriend. We get along so well and staycation gives us time to relax from work and school, catch up with each other as well as plan for our wedding.
my fave staycation buddy?!!!!Aheeeem, aside from you, si Dom! 😛
Aside from my hubby, it’s my Sister. Travels are always more fun when you bring someone who can drag you back to the Hotel after you had more fun than you should have had.
My girlfriend! Whenever place we are, where happy when were together and it feels to good to have her by my side. <3
My girlfriend! Whenever place we are, were too happy and it feels to good to have her by my side. <3
My sister because she’s got all the moolah. hahaha
Thanks for this informative post. Love the idea of a trip to the Everglades and playing with dolphins. Wonder which of these activities Luna enjoyed the most…
My fave staycation buddy is my boyfriend for 10 years and husband for a month, Ginoong Aspiras! (Honeymooners here) :p
my high school buddy, because we’re both curious cats and travel junkies ^_^
my favorite staycation buddies are my boys (my husband and son). Whenever we travel there’s no dull moment, we’re always excited for something we’ve never tried or been to. It’s always a beautiful adventure!
Hahaha! Wala na kami sa sarili namin, at di na namin naisip magpicture!
Awww <3
Me too! Hahaha!
Who’s your fave staycation buddy?
My fave staycation buddy are my Friends. we always together when we go to travel, its fun and excited.
My husband is my favorite staycation Buddy
My one and only sister! Becuse we do love staycation!
My ever favorite staycation buddy/buddies are my Mom and my little sister. We’re like bff’s laughing and joking alot! this opportunity will surely not put in to waste if i won! crossing fingers! 🙂
my husband because he loves to travel like me and he’s up for any adventure 🙂
My favorite staycation buddy would be a friend I met at my first job. ( :
My fave buddies would be my Bagets!! – My 6yr old nephew and 3yr old niece! I love spending time with them! Tanggal pagod sa work 🙂
my fave staycation buddy is my beloved soulmate,my husband!
my fave staycation buddy is my mother, she love to travel since she didn’t have the opportunity to enjoy going out during her younger years.
My sister is my fave staycation buddy because we always do traveling & experimenting new adventures 🙂
My bff coz we’re crazy and enjoy each other company!no dull moments!
My husband is my fave staycation buddy because we both love doing and trying new things together.
No other than my loud hubby! He’s always the best! =D
My Hubby.I love to be with him always.I feel safe and so much happiness when he’s with me.
My favorite staycation buddy is my boyfriend. Because we enjoy each other company.
My hubby and my friend Justine girl..because we love to discover and try new things..we both have common interest when travelling 🙂 and we enjoy each others company.
My travel buddy!
My fave staycation is definitely my wife and my son. They’re the best-est buddy ever. We enjoy every single thing we do, we indulge in every simple food we eat and we enjoy every minute of life.
My fave staycation buddy is no other than my hubby! My partner wherever I go.
Mama is my fave staycation buddy ever, coz there’s no safer place on earth than being with her. She’s a rescuer by the way. lol 😉
My favorite stay cation buddy is my one and only wife.
my girlfriend is my all-time fave staycation buddy. Usually our dates comes in running, training, workouts, biking and other outdoor activities. This will be our chance to get pampered once in a while
my husband of course we want to be together wherever we will go
my fave staycation buddy/buddies are my kids. they love to have fun, to eat, to explore and be adventurous. I would love to enjoy a vacation with them and have a day or two for ourselves to bond and make new memories to cherish.
My fave staycation buddy is my hammock. Because it makes me realize the freedom I have right now. To travel solo or with companion – a nature trip is always relaxing. 🙂
It would be my wife because she likes nagging me even if we are in a hotel.Feels just like home.
My fave staycation buddy is no other than my husband..special are those times we are together and with our two kids. He works abroad and he stay here in PH for 3weeks to 1mo. max. But in case you’d picked me to win this grand i would give it to my parents, they both just turned sixty and i want them to enjoy and celebrate also their coming 37th wedding anniv, to experience luxury even for a moment. thanks!
My mom! She’s not only my mother but a sister and a friend rolled into one. We always had great time together 🙂
My favorite staycation buddy is my first love, my bestfriend, my mom! 🙂 We have been doing staycations together for the past 30 years!
my fave staycation buddy is my boyfriend because he shares the same enthusiasm for adventure that i have. 🙂
My staycation buddy is my one and only girlfriend and bestfriend!
My life partner is my fave staycation buddy because we enjoy getaways and casual food trips
my fave staycation buddy is my Mom. I love to be with her all the time. It would be nice to add another wonderful experience staying at The Linden Suites with her 🙂
my fave staycation buddies are my friends! 🙂
My favorite staycation buddy is nobody else but my fiancee. My best in everything we do together! 🙂
My fave staycation buddy is no other than my wife. It would be nice to spend our honeymoon/ staycation here!
whether it’s a vacation or a staycation, my boyfriend definitely! forever travel buddy! 🙂
wifey! tipid pag kasama ang gwardya sibil lols
my nanay want her to experience staycation.
Dami ko tawa, Jeffrey 🙂
My fave staycation buddy is my bestfriend. We plan to stay here and maybe its our chance to win this! Hehe
My Kids. All in enjoyable when Im with them!
My Brother! A great bonding for sure!
My fave staycation buddy is my girlfriend. She’s simply the best.
My fave staycation buddy is my sister that is the moment where we really bond and talk about a lot of stuffs!!
My Fave Staycation is my Bff ..
My fave staycation buddy? is no other than my loving kids, I love them so much! 🙂
my travel buddy cum photographer.
my fave buddy is no other than my only man! (hubby), wanna spend the overnight with him ALONE!! Hoping to win this!!
i have a favorite classmate back in HS who got a room in a hotel several years ago for her bday. wanted to repeat that.
My favorite staycation buddy is my BFF for almost 15 years now Van. We’ve been friends for as long as I can remember and we’ve gone through a lot of staycations because it’s either we’re going through something or we need to celebrate 🙂
My hubby and my daughter!
My husband is my favorite staycation buddy because we make sure to have lots of fun whenever we get to have one. This is to break the monotony of our everyday routine, this is where we just bum around, relax and have a food trip! 😀
My sister is my fave staycation buddy! We are both traveler person and always seek for an adventure!
My wife of course, we love travelling but we also love staying at home enjoying our time together!
My fave staycation buddy is my hubby! WE love spending quality time together. Our mini-dates happen usually in our fave spot – our living room! It’s cozy, close to our son, and free! This time though we wouldn’t mind having a change of venue! 🙂