For two weeks they’re not the forgotten. They’re the stars. And it was a privilege to be there on the opening night to see them twinkle.
“The exhibit entitled ‘The Forgotten Ten’ will showcase a year and a half of Jacob Maentz’s documentary work from various indigenous communities around the Philippines. In partnership with Asia Society Philippines, the exhibition will give an inside and depictive look into the diverse and culturally rich lives of our nations often forgotten people, featuring images of their everyday life, culture and traditions.

The photographs to be displayed are part of a long-term project called the Katutubong Filipino Project started by Jacob Maentz in 2012. The aim of the project is to help bring about awareness of the Philippine archipelago’s indigenous peoples’ by visually documenting their slowly disappearing and changing cultural heritages. Asia Society is the leading educational organization dedicated to promoting mutual understanding and strengthening partnerships among peoples, leaders and institutions of Asia and the United States in a global context.”

Now if only these sentiments translate to something bigger… That’s up to us.

Be there. And be blown away.