If you’ve ever tried to sleep on a plane before, then you know how much of a struggle it can be to get some quality sleep.
Between cramped upright seating, turbulence, and the inability to move, sleeping on a plane just isn’t easy!
Sure, your hotel might have awesome amenities like an indoor pool and plush bedding, but that doesn’t mean you need to wait until you land to feel rested. Waiting until you arrive can make you waste precious vacation time catching up on lost sleep!
Lucky for you, sleeping on a plane is possible if you have a gameplan for making an uncomfy ride a little cozier. Keep reading to learn five extremely effective techniques to help you sleep during a long flight!
Seat Choice
The first thing you should do is to be mindful of what seat you decide to purchase.
Not all airlines function this way, but a good number of them let you pick your seat and aisle.
This means that you can opt-out of the awkward middle seat and pick the window or aisle seat,which are much better choices for sleeping.
The window seat is arguably the best choice because you won’t be disrupted by anyone getting up and moving over you to use the bathroom. You also have the option of keeping the window shade closed and can lean against it for added comfort.
Additionally, you’ll have the opportunity to pick a quieter section of the plane. Anywhere with high traffic, like the back near the bathrooms is going to make it tougher to sleep.
The rear of a plane is also closer to the engines, which can be quite loud during a flight.
Wherever you decide to sit, try to envision what will provide you with the best option for a snooze.
Avoid Caffeine And Alcohol
You should also steer away from caffeine and alcohol both before and during a flight.
Caffeine can be a tricky one here because cheaper flights tend to be at inconvenient hours of the day, like the early morning.
While caffeine is certainly helpful for keeping you awake in the airport and making sure you make your flight, it can also have the nasty side effect of preventing sleep on the plane.
Some people are more tolerant of caffeine and won’t have this issue, but it’s a safer choice to avoid coffee and soda just to be safe.
On a similar note, you should also refrain from drinking any alcohol. It is certainly true that alcohol can help you fall asleep, but any sleep you do get won’t be restful at all.
Even worse, you don’t want to wake up with a headache and feeling dehydrated, especially if you still have a few hours left on your flight!
Your best option is to stay adequately hydrated by drinking water and maybe some juice if you need a short burst of energy. Remember not to drink too much or else you’ll need to make your way to the bathroom!
Dress Cozy
Another good tip is to dress cozy for the flight.
Sure, you might look good in a pair of jeans or a suit, but have you ever tried falling asleep in one? If you haven’t, it’s not even remotely comfortable.
You should dress down a little bit if you want to catch up on some sleep during your flight. Roomy sweaters and joggers are your friends here, giving you adequate warmth and breathing room while still looking decent enough to let you blend in.
The added comfort of being in clothes that make you feel good will also help you relax, which is important for falling asleep.
Neck Pillows
You’ve surely seen those funny-looking neck pillows before, but have you ever tried using one?
If you have, then you’d be a believer and would never fly without one!
There are few things more jarring than having your neck bobble around in response to turbulence. This is sure to wake you up and disrupt your sleep.
Neck pillows will cushion your head, limiting any movement and also providing a resting spot to lay on. Consider wearing it backward to further limit any forward movement from turbulence.
Use Headphones
One final recommendation is to use a quality pair of headphones.
Headphones can help to block out cabin noise and can also be used to listen to calming, peaceful music and/or sounds.
Your best bet is going to be with an over-the-ear style that is noise-canceling like many Bose models. Don’t go crazy about buying new headphones because Airpods will work well, too.
Avoid playing energetic and aggressive music. Instead consider listening to the sounds of the ocean, rain, or even a calming voice you enjoy.
Closing Thoughts
While sleeping on a plane is certainly not comfortable, it’s not entirely impossible. With careful preparation, you can give yourself the best chance of catching a few Z’s.
This involves selecting a good seating choice and refraining from any caffeine or alcohol both before and during your flight.
You should also make sure to wear comfortable, breathable clothing and bring along a neck pillow to help set the right sleeping mood. Throw on a pair of headphones with calming noises to lull yourself to sleep.
Using all of these suggestions is the best way for you to get some shuteye mid-flight without taking a sleeping pill to force it!