We all love to get away from time to time, that’s just a natural part of being human. However, for a lot of people, it can end up in the kind of situation where they don’t really bother to do much with the opportunities they have to travel. People often just end up going back to the same places over and over no matter what. And this is actually pretty understandable. After all, there’s something nice about going somewhere familiar and knowing exactly what you’re going to get. However, there’s only ever so much you can get out of life if you spend the entire thing staying inside your comfort zone. Sure, you’ll never have to deal with any nasty surprises, but you’re also never going to experience all of the wonders that the world has to offer you either. The truth is that life is all about new experiences and without them you’re just not living your life to the fullest. With that in mind, here are some things that you can do in order to get out of your comfort zone and see the world.
Find Somewhere New
There are those who find one travel destination that they like and really milk it for all it’s worth. And sure, there’s nothing wrong with that, but it’s hard to deny that going back to the same place year after year no matter what tends to get a little bit boring after a while. Sure, if you do this, you can be sure that you know what to expect, but the unexpected is half the fun! So why not try somewhere new the next time you take a trip. Maybe you could find yourself on another continent, enjoying luxury apartments in an unknown city where you barely speak the language and you have to get buy on a phrasebook and your wits. Or many it could be something as simple as hopping over to another part of somewhere you’ve been before, where you discover just how different things are even a few miles down the road!

Spontaneous Trips
A lot of people plan their trips as carefully as possible beforehand, and that’s great. After all, there are few things in this world more frustrating than getting to your destination and realising that you’ve forgotten something important. Of course, this does also mean that you lose the opportunity for things to surprise you, which really is one of the best things about travelling to a new place. If you want to get some of that surprise back, why not make your trip a little more spontaneous. Instead of spending weeks planning it, why not just pick your destination and go? You’d be amazed at just how much more exciting a trip can be when not everything is perfectly planned out. It allows you to make much more on the spot decisions in terms of what you want to do while you’re there. Or, if you’re feeling really ambitious, why not just show up to the airport and book the soonest flight you see within your price range? Sure, you could end up somewhere totally bizarre and unexpected, but that’s part of the fun! The truth is that there are things to see no matter where in the world you go, so you’re pretty much guaranteed to get at least some kind of interesting experience out of it!
Do It Alone
When travelling, it’s easy to find comfort in a group. After all, that way, no matter where in the world you find yourself, you’ve got someone familiar to hold onto and take comfort in. But there really is something wonderful about being able to travel completely on your own. Whether you’re backpacking solo through the wilderness, or you’re spending your days wandering alone through beautiful city streets, solo travel is one of the most underrated experiences in the world. Not only does it give you the chance to truly absorb and enjoy whatever part of the world you find yourself in, but it means that you’re forced to get to know the locals, which can lead to some genuinely wonderful and unique friendships that you would never have made if you were constantly clinging to the people that you came with.
Try New Travel Styles
Maybe you’re the kind of person who always books an all-inclusive resort whenever you go somewhere. Now, there’s nothing wrong with that, but why not take the opportunity on your next trip to do something different. Variety is the spice of life after all! If you’re used to luxury and comfort when you travel, why not get off the grid and go explore the wilderness for a while? Or maybe you’re the kind of person who loves getting down and dirty out in the wild? Well, why not take the opportunity to treat yourself to something a little more civilised. There are as many different ways to take a trip as there are destinations to visit, and there’s no reason why you should let yourself get stuck in just one. Try different things, and you may well find that something you expected to hate becomes your new favourite thing!
Sure, these kinds of travel might be a little bit scary if you’re used to only ever doing what’s familiar. But those butterflies in your stomach are part of the thrill of doing something new and unknown. You can pretty much guarantee that, no matter what happens on your trip, if you get out of your comfort zone and try something a little bit different, you’re going to end up with some of the best and most exciting stories of your entire life. And once you’ve taken one trip like that, you can decide for yourself if it’s the kind of thing you want to do again. But be warned, there’s a good chance that the travel bug will have bitten you and you’ll find yourself wanting to experience more and more of the unknown for yourself!