She’s made in China and holds two passports. Under twenty kilos but has stepped foot on more than twenty countries in six continents. She’s never been potty trained but she could prolly buckle an airplane’s seat belt with her eyes closed. People think she’s a late talker but neither English nor Tagalog was the first language she spoke in.

She’s turning three in three days. Currently trampling Australia and still doesn’t have a permanent address… She’s our daughter Luna.
And here are more random facts about this little globe trotter:

1. She was born in an old hotel converted to a hospital. She’s half Filipino, half Persian.
2. Her first beach trip: San Juan, La Union, Philippines.
3. First out of the country trip: Macau

4. Her first couchsurfing experience was in the middle of Mullumbimby’s forest, New South Wales, Australia. We stayed at a solar-powered studio outside our host’s house.
5. She first walked by herself at Aguas Calientes’ (Machupicchu Pueblo, Peru) train station. We were stranded for hours because of a landslide that covered the tracks. She must have searched for something to do.
6. Her first word was taught to her by Sofia Vergara and Elmo. She shouted “Baile!” out of the blue while we are at the common area of a guesthouse in Miraflores, Peru where we bunked for more than a week. Her second word’s “mama”. Her longest statement to date is “Put that sugar in the tea.” which she constructed in Turkey.

7. Seen for a few seconds on Balitang Amianan when hubby was interviewed about Tam-Awan Village in Baguio, Philippines.
8. She’s quite an adventurous eater. She liked saluyot soup (ate in Myanmar), seaweed (ate in the U.S.), pickled ginger (ate in Singapore), reed (ate in Lake Titicaca, Peru) — I know, WTH?! — and olives (ate in Morocco). Especially olives.
9. Out of all the places we’ve visited, it’s the “White Mountain” in Pamukkale, Turkey — to visit this place you need to have Turkey visa — that she remembers most. She can’t stop talking about it ’til this very day.

10. We consider our 7-day Gobi Desert trip as Luna’s biggest adventure. She puked for 4 days out of the 7.
11. A van we hired from Sagada to Baguio got into an accident. Luna’s first and hopefully last accident. None of us passengers got hurt but a girl crossing the Halsema highway hit our van when it screeched to a halt. We rushed the girl to the hospital, and all the while she and her mum were aboard the van, Luna was creepily smiling at her.
12. Luna hiked halfway up a snake-infested mountain in Georgia by herself. It’s her longest hike ever. Our destination, the other half of Davit Gareji Monastery on Azerbaijani soil. We crossed the border on foot without having our passports stamped.

13. Her fave animal’s the elephant. Maybe that’s why her fave cartoon is Dumbo.
14. She loves walking barefoot. And doesn’t like sleeping under a blanket.
15. She looks for her bubba first thing in the morning. Yep, not me.

16. She says ‘goodbye’ to toys whenever we leave a toy shop. She rarely asks us to buy one.
17. She has unfortunately seen a goat get slaughtered. Yeah, that same goat in the photo. Perhaps that’s why she prefers to eat veggies.
18. She has already made one boy cry when we left Phonsavan, Laos.
awww..if I was Luna and I read this 20+ yrs from now, I’d surely cry and be grateful that I have such wonderful parents who taught me at a young age to see the world in a different light 🙂
Ahh, yes. We sure hope she’d be able to appreciate all these someday 🙂
Such a cute and adventurous kid! I look forward to more quirky moments, Luna! Maligayang Kaarawan!
Pinay Travel Junkie Chapter 2 or Version 2.0 – I will not wonder in the future =)
Advance happy birthday cute little Luna! 🙂
Made in China pala si Luna hehe 😀 Naalala ko yung hindi nga siya nagpapabili ng toy 😀 Happy Birthday Luna! I miss you already! 😀
Your little tot has had quite a life in her first three years and will no doubt have even more wonderful adventures. Such a lucky girl! Plus such a cutie to boot. I bet that boy she made cry wont be the last!
I think “16. She says ‘goodbye’ to toys when we leave a toy shop. She rarely asks us to buy one.” has got to be one of my favorite factoids about her. 🙂
she’s so adorable =] Love to see her own travel blog in the future.
Happy birthday, Luna! She may not be potty trained yet but she’s done and experienced so much in her first 3 years pa lang. =)
ohh… so touchy… happy birthday baby luna…
Haha! Lil Pinay Travel Junkie.
Ah, quirky moments. For sure there would be tons more.
Yuf, everything seems to be made in China these days. LMAO.
happy birthday, luna!
she’s turning 3 tomorrow.
i’m turning 37 (perhaps even the care bears don’t care, hahaha!)
was sooo happy to finally see this globetrotting toddler!!! 😀
Happy, happy birthday, Luna! The only kid I know giving the Jolie-Pitt kids a run for their money in terms of globetrotting! 😀 And at 3, she’s got more passport stamps than I’ll ever have in this lifetime haha
Looking forward to more of your family adventures. 🙂
Happy birthday Luna 🙂 such a lucky girl to have quite a life in her first 3 years on earth. More travels baby!
Happy birthday Luna! I wish you and your family’s safety always 🙂 Looking forward to following more of your adventures!
This is so inspiring Gay.
Love this Gay! It’s a great thing what you’re doing and teaching her about the world at such a young age. 🙂 Happy Birthday Luna!! 🙂
How cute! Love this post. Happy Birthday Luna!
Happy Birthday, Luna! 😀
Awesome, just awesome! 😀
Can relate to some of your posts – but alas, despite all the good-food training, mine is a very, VERY picky eater. Our entire Bali trip, she practically lived on corn flakes and milk because Tonie just refused to eat.
More tracks, little one! 😀
Happy birtdey Luna! Actually mas idol kita kesa kay Pinay Travel Junkie hahaha 🙂
happy birthday Luna! 🙂 cutie patootie 😀
Happy advanced birthday Luna! Napakaswerteng bata!!!
My daughter hates blankets too. And strollers.
You are lucky with that kid. Rarely do I hear about kids who love veggies. My daughter is surely not one of them.
May you have more life-enchanting journeys, kiddo.
An Amazing little girl so lovely. Happy bday to you Luna kisses. God Bless you!
I love trivia #16, too. Perhaps she is already a wanderer at heart – happy with experiencing but not really with possessing. =)
Happy birthday, Luna! =)
Hahaha! Dami ko namang tawa sa ‘care bears’, doc.
Luna loves strollers only when we’re passing by places that bore her. LOL.
Hahaha! Idol ko rin yan. Mas mahilohin ako sa byahe.
Bali! Luna was eating spicy food when we were there. Isn’t she just sooo weird? Was hoping she’d ask for fried chicken or something so I got an excuse to eat that too. LMAO.
Oh I hope the lessons stay embedded in her mind 🙂
LOL! Marunong!
Happy Birthday Luna! Wish you and ‘rents all the best in everything! XOXO
Wow. Happy birthday luna. It was fun travelling with you in myanmar.
And thanks for helping me babysit her! Haha.
Thanks Cotz!
And I hope that carries on til she becomes an adult. Hihi.
Luna sends kisses back!
Beautiful life description, hopefully your Luna once day will appreciate the amazing education she is recieving from her parents from an early age. Being allowed to travel and have more passport stamps than your kilos or age is something I was dreaming with but only fullfill when I became an adult.
Being a solo traveler make me believe that we do not have to follow what the society forced us to do (stop traveling to work our asses out to make someone else rich).
I will read your blog deeply!!
Happy birthday to little Luna and maaaaaany many more to come!! <3
Aw Luna!
Happy Birthday! 🙂
I love this post!
Parang 18 reasons to love this girl..
Aw, this is so adorable!
A very blessed girl to travel a lot already at such a young age. <3
Happy Birthday Luna! 😀
#14 caption – Move on Dora, Spain lang na travel mo Echosera!
happy birthday Baby 😉
tara na uli sa beach, willing akong alagaan uli kita! haha
Hahaha! Gow sa beach yan, anytime 🙂 Kahit bagyuhin tayo ulet!
Happy 3rd birthday Ate Luna! Hope to meet you soon. Love, H&I <3
At just 3, Luna has already lived such an exciting and adventurous life! She’s so lucky to have you and Shervin for parents!
a very sweet text from mama…gefeliciteerd!
This post made me miss my little nephews back in Manila even more. Wish I can travel with them too one day.
Happy Birthday to Luna! I was once so starstruck along with everyone else when you brought her to an event. Very, very adorable kid 🙂
This post made me miss my little nephews back in Manila even more. Wish I can one day show them the world too.
Happy Birthday to Luna! I was once so starstruck along with everyone else when you brought her to an event. Very, very adorable kid.
Aww, sweet ni tito!
Thanks for the kind words, Nina <3
Ahh, yes. Play date someday!
What a blessed life Luna has lived already! She’ll have a lot of stories to tell her future classmates at school! She could well start by saying “I was made in China” hahaha – aylaveet!
The best ka talaga, Gay! Luna will surely love this recount of her wandering years pagdalaga na siya. 🙂 I enjoyed reading about her journeys, and yours of course! Anyhoo.. Belated Happy Birthday Luna! 🙂
Wow! Cutest post I’ve read, ever.. Extend my regards to Luna.. 🙂
Oh no, I missed it! Belated Bonne Fête, Luna belle! ^_^
Have been so busy with work lately that I was only able to check your site today. Anyhoo, your little girl is adorable beyond words. And I envy her to bits for having been able to visit all those places you mentioned. Haha!
I guess I don’t have to quote Dr. Seuss’ “Oh, the Places You’ll Go!” to her. 😛
awww Luna is so cute and we have the same favorite animal. Hee hee. She’s one lucky kid.
Bookmarked this post but only got to read today. ^_^
Happy travels Luna!
Happy birthday to the babytraveljunkie! more adventures to come!